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Education Curriculum

Educator Preparation Program

The Randolph College Educator Preparation Program (EPP) is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). All licensure programs are approved by the Virginia Department of Education.

Any student may declare and complete an undergraduate major in elementary education; however, students who wish to qualify for a Virginia professional teaching license must apply separately and be accepted to the teacher licensure program.

Students seeking a secondary teaching license must major in the content area they will teach.

Undergraduate Program

The EPP provides an educational environment that supports teachers in becoming leaders and agents of equity and change with licensure at the elementary or secondary level.

The requirements of initial licensure at the secondary level in Virginia include fulfillment of the College’s requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in a chosen field of study and successful completion of the professional studies courses in Education.

The undergraduate major in Elementary Education is recommended for PreK-6 Elementary licensure.

Professional competence is developed through

  1. comprehensive study of content knowledge appropriate to the chosen licensure area,
  2. thorough study of the professional foundations common to all teaching,
  3. specialized study of teaching principles, and
  4. appropriate field-based experiences.

Consult the Randolph College Academic Catalog for further information on the program, teacher licensure, undergraduate student teaching, and more.

All licensure programs offered by Randolph College’s Teacher Education Preparation Program have been approved by the Virginia Department of Education.

Visit the Virginia Department of Education Teaching in Virginia website for more information on topics such as the following:

  • Licensure
  • Job Opportunities
  • Performance and Evlauation
  • Financial Support
  • Career Resources and Incentives

The Educator Preparation Program at Randolph College is approved by the Virginia Department of Education. Students who completed our course of study have met all the state’s education requirements for initial licensure to teach in Virginia’s elementary or secondary schools.

Visit the College’s compliance information page for further information.

The Randolph College Teacher Education Preparation Program follows the Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers which set forth seven performance standards for all Virginia teachers.  Pursuant to state law, teacher evaluations must be consistent with these performance standards.

Virginia Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers 

Virginia is a member of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Contract.

Some states may have requirements in addition to those for a Virginia license (e.g., standardized tests), so candidates should contact the state department of education for particular information on license reciprocity. Final authority for issuing a teaching license rests with each individual state.

For official Praxis information, please refer to www.ets.org/praxis/va.

For official information on the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment tests, please refer to www.va.nesinc.com.

Course Offerings

Below is a list of available courses offered by the education department. Consult the Registrar’s Office and the College Catalog for registration information.

EDUC 1101 - Cultural Diversity, Schooling And Teacher

Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying the role, development, and organization of public education in the United States. Legal issues related to students and teachers, including federal and state laws, contemporary issues, and current trends in education are studied. Classroom management, roles of teachers and schools in communities, culturally relevant pedagogy, professionalism, and ethical standards will be reviewed and analyzed. Credit hours: 4. (SS)

EDUC 1108 - Educational Psychology And Human Development

Credit hours: 2. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Coursework must be completed by the end of the fourth week of the fall semester following the travel seminar.

EDUC 1186 - Educ One Time Only

Credit hours: 2. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Coursework must be completed by the end of the fourth week of the fall semester following the travel seminar.

EDUC 1186S - Educ One Time Only

Credit hours: 2. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Coursework must be completed by the end of the fourth week of the fall semester following the travel seminar.

EDUC 1188 - Educ One Time Only

Credit hours: 4. One time only.

EDUC 2207 - Language And Reading Development And Practicum

Exploration of educational theories and scientific research on teaching reading. This course will focus on the early stages of literacy development from language acquisition to emergent reader including analysis and discussion of the five areas of reading instruction, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Teachers develop high quality strategies for teaching reading to all students based on the Virginia Standards of Learning. This course requires fieldwork in an elementary reading classroom. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: EDUC 1108 or sophomore standing, or permission of instructor.

MATH 2208 - Concepts Of Elementary And Middle School Mathematic

Introduces elementary problem solving with emphasis on the nature of numbers and the structure of the real number system. Topics studied include the structure and properties of number systems and of Euclidean Geometry applicable in elementary and middle school classrooms. This course is open to all students and required of students seeking elementary education licensure. Credit hours: 4. (QR)

EDUC 2210 - Multicultural Children's Literature

The characteristics and uses of both formal and informal assessment instruments and procedures will be studied with emphasis on formative assessment and principles and practices for effective standards-based instruction. Students will learn how to design, administer, and interpret a variety of assessment measures, including the teacher work sample. Topics will include reliability, validity, bias, performance assessment, portfolios, affective assessment, standardized test score interpretation, and formative assessment. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: EDUC 1108.

EDUC 2213 - Dimensions Of A Global Society And Multicultural Education

This course will focus on diversity in schools and society and the interrelated concepts of culture, worldview, and race/ethnicity. Students will analyze areas of concern teachers express about working with diverse students, multicultural education, and how our own cultural orientations can impact how we interact with those from other cultures. Creditr hours: 4.

EDUC 2216 - Classroom Assessment

The characteristics and uses of both formal and informal assessment instruments and procedures will be studied with emphasis on formative assessment and principles and practices for effective standards-based instruction. Students will learn how to design, administer, and interpret a variety of assessment measures, including the teacher work sample. Topics will include reliability, validity, bias, performance assessment, portfolios, affective assessment, standardized test score interpretation, and formative assessment. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: EDUC 1108.

EDUC 2230 - Reading And Writing In The Content Area

Exploration of educational theories and scientific research on literacy development in adolescents. Participants develop skills in motivating adolescents, assessing reading and writing ability, selecting texts at appropriate level of difficulty, and in differentiating instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. Techniques for developing comprehension and vocabulary will be emphasized based on Virginia Standards of Learning. This course requires fieldwork in an elementary reading classroom. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 and sophomore standing.

EDUC 3306 - Reading And Writing Instruction / Diagnosis And Practicum

Theory and scientific research is used to advance an interactive perspective on reading and writing that lays the foundation for the assessment and instruction process. Through discussion of the component skills and strategies required to succeed in reading and writing teacher candidates make informed decisions in planning instruction based on informal and formal assessments and aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning and national standards. This course requires fieldwork in an elementary classroom. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 or EDUC 1108 and sophomore standing.

I ST 3309 - Interdisciplinary Inquiry Science

Students explore scientific connections among earth and life science, physics, chemistry, and biology. Students will understand the nature of science and scientific inquiry including the role of science, and the science skills of data analysis, measurement, observation, and experimentation. Project-based and inquiry lessons weave together concepts that reinforce the Virginia Standards of Learning and incorporate classroom work, and labs. Students develop the concepts essential to inquiry and safety procedures. This course is open to all students and required of students seeking elementary education licensure. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or permission of instructor.

EDUC 3312 - Mathematics And Science Instruction And Practicum

This course is study of research and theories of developing and assessing mathematics and science concepts, process skills, and attitudes. Emphasis is on sciences and mathematics instruction based on National Standards and the Virginia Standards of Learning. Students will demonstrate the ability to design and implement age appropriate and content rich lessons. This course requires fieldwork in an elementary classroom. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 or EDUC 1108 and sophomore standing.

EDUC 3315 - Curriculum And Instruction And Practicum

Students explore theories, methods, and procedures underlying the development and design of curriculum and instruction, and the interrelationships among curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Researched based practices designed to improve learning and to develop college and career readiness skills of PreK-12 children are included. Students learn how data driven decision-making can lead to improved student achievement and how to integrate technology to improve learning outcomes. A school-based practicum is required as part of the course. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: EDUC 1101 or EDUC 1108 and sophomore standing or permission of the instructor. (WI)

EDUC 3318 - Secondary Teaching In The Subject Area And Practicum

EDUC 4472P - Action Research Field Placement

Students entering the M.A.T. program will take this course instead of EDUC 4493/4496. Students will design and implement an action research project in a local school. The project requires students to work with a classroom teacher on the design process. Only open to students entering the graduate program. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: admission to the Educator Preparation Program and EDUC 4494.

EDUC 4486 - Educ One Time Only

Credit hours: 4. Open only to Special Students who meet the VACTE/ATE-VA Standards for Teacher Education Clinical Faculty.

EDUC 4489 - Independent Study

EDUC 4490 - Independent Study

EDUC 4493 - Student Teaching: Elementary Schools I

Supervised teaching assignments in a local elementary school. Intern teachers maintain schedule of their assigned cooperating teacher. Students will maintain a reflective journal and create a professional portfolio of the intern teaching experience. Weekly reflective seminar emphasizes interactive activities and the development of the intern teaching portfolio based on Virginia Standards of Learning and national standards. Credit hours: 8. Prerequisites: admission to the Educator Preparation Program and to Intern Teaching. A student enrolled in EDUC 4493 may not enroll in any courses that interfere with intern teaching hours.

EDUC 4494 - Senior Seminar

Students will evaluate and conduct qualitative and/or quantitative research. Each student will work with a faculty supervisor to prepare a research project. Students will present their work during an oral presentation for students and faculty. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: permission of the Department.

EDUC 4495 - Student Teaching: Secondary Schools I

Supervised teaching assignments in a local middle school and/or a high school. Intern teachers maintain schedule of their assigned cooperating teacher. Students will maintain a reflective journal and portfolio of the intern teaching experience and critique a video lesson of personal teaching. Weekly reflective seminars emphasize interactive discussion and the development of the intern electronic professional portfolio. Credit hours: 8. Prerequisites: admission to Intern Teaching. A student enrolled in EDUC 4495 may not enroll in any courses that interfere with intern teaching hours, except for the Senior Program of the major.

EDUC 4496 - Student Teaching: Elementary Schools Ii

Supervised teaching assignments in a local elementary school. Student teachers maintain schedule of their assigned cooperating teacher. Students will maintain a reflective journal and create a professional portfolio of the student teaching experience. Weekly reflective seminar emphasizes interactive activities and the development of the student teaching portfolio based on Virginia Standards of Learning and national standards. Not open to students entering the M.A.T program in Elementary Education. Credit hours: 8. Prerequisite: admission to the Educator Preparation Program. A student enrolled in EDUC 4496 may not enroll in any courses that interfere with student teaching hours.

EDUC 4497 - Student Teaching: Secondary Schools Ii

Supervised teaching assignments in middle and/or high school. Student teachers maintain schedule of their assigned clinical teacher. Students will maintain a reflective journal and portfolio of the student teaching experience and critique a video lesson of personal teaching. Weekly reflective seminars emphasize interactive discussion and the development of the student electronic professional portfolio. Credit hours: 8. Prerequisite: admission to Student Teaching. A student enrolled in EDUC 4495 may not enroll in any courses that interfere with student teaching hours, except for the Senior Program of the major.

EDUC 4497H - Honors In The Major

EDUC 4498H - Honors In The Major

EDUC 5511S - Educational Assessment And Measurement

Candidates study the principles of measurement, formative and summative assessment strategies, test construction, performance assessments, and psycho-educational assessments relevant to teaching and learning. Candidates create, select, and implement valid and reliable classroom assessments; analyze and interpret test data; and administer and interpret psycho-educational assessments. This course helps candidates align curriculum, instruction, and assessment with state standards and use assessment data to improve achievement among diverse learners. Credit hours: 3.

EDUC 5518 - Reading Assessment And Instruction

This course delves into evidence-based techniques for teaching and diagnosing K-6 students using the principles of the Science of Reading. Participants will explore strategies to address reading difficulties to make informed decisions in planning instruction through the use of informal and formal assessments that are aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning. Key components include Understanding Reading Problems and Assessment Techniques, and the Integration of Literature and Writing. Credit hours: 3

EDUC 5523 - Research And Inquiry Into Teaching Practices

Qualitative and quantitative research methods on teaching and learning of diverse learners. Criteria for judging validity and applicability of research-based knowledge. Framing educational problems worthy of inquiry. Designing and assessing studies of instructional practices. This course meets for the full semester. Credit hours: 3.

EDUC 5527 - Current Trends And Legal Issues In Schools

Candidates study and analyze relevant case law and statutes and apply their knowledge of education law. Topics studied include organizational structures of school, federal and state systems, church-state related issues, teacher rights, rights of students with disabilities, instructional issues, tort liability, and equal opportunities in education. Credit hours: 2.

EDUC 5586 - Educ One Time Only

Credit hours: 3. One time only.

EDUC 5590 - Independent Study

EDUC 6601 - Foundations Of Education And Classroom Management

This course examines the multidisciplinary foundations of instruction via historical, philosophical, and sociological research. The intersections and relationships among assessment, instruction, and classroom management. Candidates develop individual educational pedagogies and engage with various instructional approaches and strategies, to make decisions for improving instruction, management, and student performance. Credit hours: 1.

EDUC 6605 - Instruction Across The Curriculm And Practicum Work

This course is designed to give basic knowledge and understanding of human growth and development. Students will study the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of children and the ability to use this understanding in guiding learning experiences and developing appropriate curriculum. Credit hours: 1.

EDUC 6606 - Reading And Writing In The Content Area

Intervention techniques for accelerating the reading ability of striving readers in grades 6-12. Candidates learn to match instructional techniques to assessed areas of literacy needs and to differentiate instruction for varying levels of reading and writing achievement based on the science of reading. Credit hours: 3.

EDUC 6607 - Early Language Acquisition And Reading

A study of the theories, processes, and acquisition of reading and language skills. Emphasis is on the cognitive, linguistic, social and physiological factors involved in oral and written language development. Emergent literacy and the relationship between language and reading acquisition are explored, including an examination of strategies for developing oral reading, comprehension, and literacy skills and techniques for building word recognition, phonics, integrating reading and writing, and comprehension based on the science of reading. Credit hours: 3.

EDUC 6611 - Human Growth And Development

This course is designed to give basic knowledge and understanding of human growth and development. Students will study the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of children and the ability to use this understanding in guiding learning experiences and developing appropriate curriculum. Credit hours: 1.

EDUC 6614 - Science Methods In Elementary And Middle School

Students develop skills for effective science teaching grounded in research proven to be effective in working with diverse students. The course addresses science content and pedagogy connected with the Virginia and NGSS Standards. Students will design lessons appropriate for the diverse needs of children preK-6. Credit hours: 1. Prerequisite: acceptance to the Program or permission of instructor.

EDUC 6615 - Curriculum And Teaching Problems In Elementary And Middle School

Each student investigates a special instructional problem under the direction of the instructor. The research is supplemented by fieldwork in an appropriate grade/ content area. Open only to students accepted into the graduate education program and who have met one of the cross-listed requirements as an undergraduate. Individual conferences to be arranged. Credit hours: 3. Prerequisite: acceptance to the Program or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.

EDUC 6616 - Math And Science Methods For Elementary And Middle School

Candidates develop skills in research-based mathematics and science teaching. The course addresses competence through an emphasis on mathematics and science content, connected to the state standards. Candidates design lessons appropriate for the diverse needs of children PK-6. The course explores current mathematics and science teaching reforms and research-based teaching strategies. Credit hours: 3.

EDUC 6618 - Instruction In The Subject Area

Seminars focusing on the structure of the disciplines and subject-specific methods of instruction. This course includes a field experience. Credit hours: 3.

EDUC 6684 - Seminar Educational Research And Teaching

This course is designed to provide candidates opportunities to conduct qualitative and quantitative research. Each candidate will work with a faculty supervisor to prepare a research project and develop a comprehensive proposal. Candidates present their work for colleagues and faculty. This course meets for the full semester. Licensure prerequisite if applicable: passing scores on the all licensure assessments in the designated licensure area. Credit hours: 3.

EDUC 6693 - Intern Teaching For Mat I

Supervised field placement in a school or educational setting. Candidates maintain the schedule of their assigned mentor. Placements are made according to endorsement area. Credit hours: 6, 6.

EDUC 6694 - Intern Teaching For Mat Ii

Supervised field placement in a school or educational setting. Candidates maintain the schedule of their assigned mentor. Placements are made according to endorsement area. Credit hours: 6, 6.

EDUC 6695 - Internship I

Supervised assignment in educational settings. Placements are made according to endorsement area or area of interest. Credit hours: 6.

EDUC 6696 - M. Ed. Internship

This M. Ed. internship broadens students' experience in traditional and non-traditional educational organizations. Students participate in a supervised professional setting appropriate to their area of interest, applying curriculum and instructional theory to enhance skills in implementing and evaluating effective educational programming. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the M. Ed. graduate program. Credit hours: 6.

GEO 2203 - Survey Of World Geography

The first module of four sequential courses, one credit per course, that together constitute the second half of an introduction to classical Greek. While students must work through the modules in order, students may enroll in multiple modules simultaneously to learn Greek at the speed appropriate for them. Emphasis on basic grammar and syntax, with reading of simple prose and poetry. Classical Greek is also excellent preparation for Homeric and biblical Greek. The course is primarily offered online and asynchronously. Credit hours: 1. Prerequisite: GREK 1101 or equivalent, or GREK 1114. GREK 1114 may also be co-requisite.

I ST 3309 - Interdisciplinary Inquiry Science

Students explore scientific connections among earth and life science, physics, chemistry, and biology. Students will understand the nature of science and scientific inquiry including the role of science, and the science skills of data analysis, measurement, observation, and experimentation. Project-based and inquiry lessons weave together concepts that reinforce the Virginia Standards of Learning and incorporate classroom work, and labs. Students develop the concepts essential to inquiry and safety procedures. This course is open to all students and required of students seeking elementary education licensure. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or permission of instructor.

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